Monday, November 06, 2006


I'm just skimming stones against the lake
While my dreams pass me by
Cos I've never known what to make of life
But I guess I'm willing to try

Sometimes it's better sometimes it's worse
Sometimes it heals sometimes it hurts ...

So hail to the morning wherever it dawns down on me
Cos it's now that I get to thinking
Some castles lie way beneath the sea

You always said that it would be such a long summer
And now its here and I can break the ice on this cold water

Sometimes it's better sometimes it's worse
Sometimes it heals sometimes it hurts ...

So hail to the morning wherever it dawns down on me
Cos it's now that I get to thinking
Some castles lie way beneath the sea

So hail to the morning wherever it dawns down on me
Cos it's now that I get to thinking this life's a mystery
So long live the moonlight wherever it dawns down on me
With the strength to part the ocean
I'll find my castle lies way beneath the sea

Castles - Sandi Thom

Beauty is beneath the surface ...

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