Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's Eve Shindig

Work - there's nothing more anti-climatic than this after all the buzz from Chrissie and New Year.

I think we all still need a couple more days to recover from the shock from realising that we are back into the daily grind for the next 11 1/2 months and then we do it all over again ... depressing but true.

Apart from doing a bit of ruminating on the past year, we trudged our arses down to Circular Quay on NYE to catch the 3 million dollar pyrotechnics on display at the harbour.

The Boy and I took the train down to the city and met up with The Boy's Brother, his Sweetie Pie & her Sis (and I shall refer to them as The Crew for lack of a better moniker) down at the wharf.

Next year, Circular Quay will be a no-no. The crowd was massive and not short of drunkards pushing their way through the already heaving wharf. There was barely any space to walk let alone breathe. The Crew had already been standing there for at least 4 hours by the time we got there ... egads!

the happy but tired couple

sharing some sister love

how long do we have to wait again?!

welcoming the new year with a kiss

The fireworks were a bit of a disappointment for us only because 3/4 of the time they were going off at The Rocks and The Opera House. We had full view of the Harbour Bridge but I reckon it was way too much work getting down there for 5 mins of fireworks on the bridge itself.

The trek back was a lot more bearable and we had some Bollywood Bhangra erupt nearby with lots of very EXCITED indians ushering the new year well ... Bollywood style.

Anyway, The Boy wasn't really a happy chappy that night having worked double shifts and was cranky as hell about the crowds and stressing over having to "get out of there" as quickly as possible ... lovely. At least he put on a happier face in his pictures but then promptly declared 2007 a write-off.

the not so happy chappy

Ok I'm exaggerating but you get the point. Anyway, The New Year Grouch got his beer and a ride home and plonked his sorry arse in bed and was knocked out until midday. A bit of alcohol and sleep and suddenly the bright and chirpy boy was back again.

Till next new year's eve!

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